El Despeñadero is a family estate dedicated to organizing driven partridge shoots, and is widely considered one of the most important in the world, in terms of the quality of its services as well as the exclusivity of its clientele. With over 40 years of experience Dario Vallano Sr was one of the pioneers in install the driven partridge shoots in Spain. El Despeñadero has built a reputation of arranging the finest shooting holidays. We aim to exceed your shooting expectations, we look forward to hearing from you.
With more than 2.000 wild hectares the topography of El Despeñadero with olive groves, forest and sowing’s lands as well as deep ravines from which we drive extremely high shoots produces a big variety of drives what presents a great challenge ensuring a top partridge shooting quality. Our partridge presents an impressive fast, courageous and high flight providing some of the most challenging partridges in Spain.
Dario Vallano Sr owner and managing director of El Despeñadero estate.Born in Toledo, Spain where he learnt to shoot from an early age he has been in the hunting world all his life, and in the outfitting business for more than 30 years.hunting in the five continents and located in Spain and mainly dedicated to organize partridge shooting.
Dario Jr is focussed and dedicated to the international market of El Despeñadero hosting all the teams from their arrival to their departure. In addition he manages the coordination of the different departments of the company.
With over 20 years working hand-in-hand with Darío Vallano Sr. in all corners of Spain has become heart and soul of Cacerías Ibéricas. Angel, our shooting captain, is a passionate of hunting with exceptional knowledge about shooting and partridges is the person who manage everything inside the drives, beaters, loaders, secretaries, flagmen, etc. And director of drives.
Head Game Keeper of El Despeñadero estate. Nicolás takes care of every single thing to ensure the health of the partridges and is responsible to keep the estate in perfect conditions.
Victor, as Nicolás, is responsible of the perfect conditions of the drives, partridges and property as well as working like Ángel right hand inside the drives.